Contact us
Contact us if you have any questions or comments - our customer service will help you with everything you need!
Emails will be answered as quickly as possible. Please do not send more than one message unless it is an urgent matter due to a change of size or address, as your previous message may be updated and placed last in the queue.
It is important that you specify the reason for contacting us in the subject line. Here are some examples of subject lines: "INFORMATION", "INQUIRY", "SIZE CHANGE", "DUPLICATE ORDER", "ADDRESS CHANGE", "ORDER FOLLOW-UP", among others.
Once a purchase has been made, we will send you the tracking number to your email 3 to 5 business days after shipping.
Emails will be answered as quickly as possible. Please do not send more than one message unless it is an urgent matter due to a change of size or address, as your previous message may be updated and placed last in the queue.
It is important that you specify the reason for contacting us in the subject line. Here are some examples of subject lines: "INFORMATION", "INQUIRY", "SIZE CHANGE", "DUPLICATE ORDER", "ADDRESS CHANGE", "ORDER FOLLOW-UP", among others.
Once a purchase has been made, we will send you the tracking number to your email 3 to 5 business days after shipping.